School Photos 2025

School photos will be held in Term 2 at both the Maddingley and Woodlea School campuses during the dates below:

Timetables are yet to be confirmed and will be subject to change in order to work in conjunction with other School activities.

Mrs Cathy Perconte – Community Development Coordinator

Camps, Sports, and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Camps Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families in covering the costs of school excursions, camps and sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The allowance is paid directly to the school by the Education Department.

Eligible families include those holding a valid means-tested concession card such as a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card, a Health Care Card, or those who are temporary foster parents.

To encourage families to apply, the school will provide a rebate equivalent to the School Development Levy for families whose applications are submitted and approved by the Education Department.

The CSEF application form can be downloaded below. The form outlines the eligibility requirements and must be returned to the school by 23 June 2025.

Parents must meet the eligibility requirements by:

Parents who received CSEF at Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 2024 do not need to submit a new application in 2025, provided there has been no change in family circumstances.

Please note that CSEF payments apply only to the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

Enquiries should be directed to Sharon Micallef at


EdSmart notification to students

Parents/Guardians are familiar with the school communication platform EdSmart which is used to relay school information and seek digital consent for class excursions, camps, sporting events via a notification slip.

This platform also allows for the school to ‘cc’ communication slips to students so they receive, via email, the necessary information for upcoming activities and due dates. The difference between the format for parents/guardians and students is that the consent section is not accessible to students. They do, however, receive a notification when parents have consented to an activity.

The school will be activating this feature in EdSmart for students to receive communication slips for all excursions, camps and events for Years 5 to 12, where consent is required. This will enable students to have clear details of the event/activity date, materials they are required to bring, uniform expectations and transport.

This may also assist in the student’s ability to prompt parent/guardian consent if deadlines are not met.

EdSmart Consent

Please note that EdSmart will be the only acceptable form of providing consent for your child to attend school activities/sport/camps or similar. Notes in diaries and emails to Heads of Sub-Schools, Heads of Year and/or Teachers will not be accepted in future. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

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