Commencement Ceremony

Earlier this month, the annual Commencement Ceremonies were held at the Maddingley and Woodlea Campuses, bringing the school community together to celebrate the outstanding achievements of its students.

Beyond celebrating achievements, the Commencement Ceremony was also an opportunity to recognise our 2025 School Captains and Senior School Leaders. On behalf of all students, an undertaking was made to always strive to be their best selves.

Congratulations to all students who received subject study scores of 45 or higher, earning the VCE Academic Excellence – Subject Award. Those who achieved an ATAR above 90 were presented with the VCE General Excellence Award.

A special acknowledgment goes to the students who achieved a VCE Perfect Score, attaining a study score of 50—an incredible accomplishment.

The highest academic honour, the Dux of Bacchus Marsh Grammar, was awarded to Memphis Menz. This title is a reflection of remarkable dedication and academic distinction, serving as an inspiration to students following in their footsteps.

Beyond celebrating achievements, the Commencement Ceremony also sets clear expectations for the year ahead, reinforcing the values and commitments that define the school community.

Congratulations to all students for a fulfilling and successful 2024 and best wishes to our 2025 School Leaders.

Mrs Danielle Copeman – Head of Woodlea Campus
Mr Andrew Pate – Head of Maddingley Campus

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