Bacchus Marsh Grammar Reading Decathlon Challenge

Students of today are faced with many modes of entertainment and live in a fast-paced, information rich world.  They have vast technology at their fingertips and can find answers to their questions in seconds with a quick Google search.  In many ways, it is understandable that reading for pleasure has taken a backseat for some of them, but it is vital that we encourage students to read as much as possible and do what we can to instil a love for reading that they can take through life. There really is no other skill as important.

In an endeavour to motivate students to increase their reading, we are running an exciting competition for the next few weeks.  The Bacchus Marsh Grammar Reading Decathlon Challenge is open to all students from Prep to Year 12 and we encourage you to get involved by supporting and encouraging your children to participate.  The Challenge consists of ten ‘events’ aimed to encourage reading and literacy in the lead up to Literacy Week in Week 8 of this term.

In designing this competition, we have taken inspiration from the amazing Bronze Medal performance of Ashley Moloney, who last week became the first Australian in history to place at the Olympics in Decathlon.  Just as the varied nature of the decathlon allows athletes to demonstrate great skill and versatility, providing a variety of literacy experiences at home and at school affords children the same opportunity to shine.

Details regarding participation and entry into the Reading Decathlon Challenge are available on Schoolbox and in myBMG Parent Portal under Documents/Whole School.

We look forward to seeing many entries over the coming weeks!

Happy reading!

Mrs Dilges – Assistant Principal – Literacy Development

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