Updated Timetables

Parents whose children travel on the buses listed below have received communication earlier in the week via the BMG channels of SMS and Edsmart Broadcast concerning the following bus timetables with updates to the times and/or routes;

The changes to the above buses will be effective as of AM travel Monday 3 March 2025.

Woodlea Late Bus

The late bus out of Woodlea will be chartered by Christians Bus Company. There are no changes to the timetable.

This change was effective as of Tuesday 25 February 2025.

Private/Late Bus Travellers – Student ID Cards

All students have been issued with their student ID card for 2025. Students MUST use their Student ID card to tap on/off the bus. Student ID cards are compulsory when boarding a private bus, attending any school excursions/camps or the LATE bus etc and they must be always carried. Students who board the bus three times without their Student ID cards will receive a detention or further consequences.

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