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eNews Issue 28

News in this Edition Peter Pan JR Exam preparation over term break Kokoda Trek Food Technology and Cookery Competition Literacy Parade / Book Day Chess

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eNews Issue 27

News in this Edition 30th Anniversary celebration and stories Careers News Sport Updates 2019 Instrumental Program End of Term 3 – Friday 21 September –

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Blossom Garden at BMG

eNews Issue 26

News in this Edition From the Principal Junior School Reading Journals Instrumental Music 2019 Year 7-12 Sport News Student Achievements Events Calendar Read more in

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eNews Issue 25

News in this Edition Science Night BMG in Concert Middle School Production Hoop Time Basketball Staughton Vale Observation Centre ICCES Football ICAS Results Events Calendar

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Bacchus Marsh Grammar

eNews Issue 24

News in this Edition BMG 30th Anniversary Celebration – Book a tour Snowsport success Robocup Wrap-up Kokoda Expedition Year 7-12 Sport News News from the

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eNews Issue 23

News in this Edition Bacchus Marsh Avenue of Honour commemoration Alpine Expedition to Toolangi State Forest Boundary Fence Farm Tour Science Night – Tuesday 21

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eNews Issue 22

News in this Edition Bacchus Marsh Avenue of Honour commemoration BMG in Concert Prep Pizza & PJ Day Sport Updates Senior School Production Information Careers

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Bacchus Marsh Grammar - Celebrating 30 Years

eNews Issue 21

News in this Edition 100 Days of Prep VCAL visit to the River Nile School Middle School Colours ICCES Cross-Country Success Middle School Sport Results

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eNews Issue 20

News in this Edition Year 6 Vietnam Tour Singapore Sports Tour 2018 Years 7-12 ICCES X-Country, Debating, Chess and Individual Student Sporting Achievements BMG In

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eNews Issue 19

News in this Edition ICCES Results Student Achievements Is it Bullying? Book Fair Events Calendar Read more in this BMG eNews Edition

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