Co-Curricular Prep to Year 6

The Prep to Year 6 Co-Curricular program is designed to cater in a variety of ways for all students.

The program is run by all staff from Prep to Year 6 to enhance the learning opportunities for students. A letter and the Co-Curricular Handbook were sent home recently to families of students in Prep Reception – Year 6.

Please refer to the handbook for information relating to the program.

Key points regarding the program:
• The majority of Co-Curricular activities will be offered during the school day at lunchtime;
• A select few activities will be offered after school on Tuesday afternoons between 3:05pm and 4:00pm;
• Co-Curricular activities continue to cater for all students’ needs however will focus more on extension of literacy, numeracy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) related activities and physical skills.
• The activities will take place on different lunchtimes throughout the week as specified in the handbook.
• Teachers select the students for the Teacher Selected activities.
• Please note that the number of participants for some programs are limited.
• The Co-Curricular program has 2 categories: Teacher Selected and Student Choice activities.

Nici Deller
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