BMG Online Platforms

Introduction to BMG Online Platforms


Accessible from the School website, Schoolbox is the School’s learning management system (LMS), community portal and engagement platform. Schoolbox provides an efficient, secure and environmentally friendly way for the School to communicate and share information with Bacchus Marsh Grammar parents. Parents/guardians may use this system to access the curriculum, assessment due dates, interim results, school forms and letters and also keep connected and apprised with what’s happening within the School community.

myBMG Parent Portal

Accessible via Schoolbox Quick Links, the myBMG Parent Portal provides financial information, including fee statements and options to make payments towards your school fees, various user pays activities and any ad hoc charges. The portal also provides a booking system for parent/teacher interviews and a space for Families to securely update medical and contact information.


The School uses the service of EdSmart, which is a software providing a more effective and efficient platform for managing school communications between the school and parent/guardians. A significant benefit of the software is that it assists the School in achieving its objective of being a more sustainable organisation by significantly reducing the carbon footprint through the elimination of paper communications. Through EdSmart, communications e.g. letters for camps and excursions, are sent to parents/guardians electronically via email.

Early Learning Centre – Woodlea


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