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BMG Facebook
Bacchus Marsh Grammar has embraced social media and developed a Facebook page to further connect with our School family and the broader community
Social media is an integral part of society, and how form, create and share within our community. However, serious issues can arise if it is used inappropriately. For this reason, the School urges the exemplary use of our Facebook page at all times to ensure it delivers a safe, positive and happy experience for all.
- Facebook DO’S
- Facebook DON’TS
Our school community is wonderfully diverse and our Facebook page is an excellent platform to celebrate and communicate our welcoming and inclusive school values. Any comments added to the Bacchus Marsh Grammar Facebook page should serve as an example to students on how to interact in the social media space – with respect, kindness, decency, positivity, celebration and grace.
Unfortunately, social media can be misused. For this reason, the School is obliged to detail the following examples of unacceptable social media conduct that will not be tolerated by Bacchus Marsh Grammar. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
- any comments such as hate speech, defamation, bullying, retribution, intimidation, stalking or harassment of any nature. Additionally, comments should not use threatening, insulting, derogatory, unprofessional, disrespectful, pornographic, abusive or foul language.
- any form of unauthorised commercial communications which includes advertising of any nature or unlawful multi-level marketing (such as a pyramid scheme), self-promotion or direct sales pitches.
- misrepresentation of Bacchus Marsh Grammar or any member of the school community.
- any comment that could bring harm to members of the school community or disrepute to the school.
- false impersonation or representation of another person
Please note: Bacchus Marsh Grammar does not endorse children under the age of 13 years (a threshold imposed by Facebook) having their own Facebook account. Younger students are encouraged to view the school’s Facebook page via their parents’ Facebook account and under parental supervision.
It is important that all members of our School community review the protocols and policies relating to the Bacchus Marsh Grammar Facebook page. These policies are all listed below to download and review. A brochure outlining how to access the School Facebook page and protocols can be accessed here: Facebook Page Brochure.
To report inappropriate use or to provide suggestions for Community posts, please contact the Communications Officer.