eNews Issue 1

I would like to welcome all students and families to Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 2018.  The year has been a busy one so far with considerable work at the Maddingley and Staughton Vale campuses and a great deal of preparatory work at Woodlea.

At Maddingley the arrival of four “pods” towards South Maddingley Road will substantially lift the number of instrumental music lessons that we are able to offer.  In the next week, you will also see considerable work relating to the provision of new toilet facilities for students.  A considerable effort was also put into landscaping of the areas that students play/relax in so that they are both more appealing but also more consistent in design.  It has been pleasing to see how many of these areas are being heavily utilised from day one.  Staughton Vale is nearing completion and the site will soon be attached to mains power.  It is delightful, even at this, the hottest part of the year, with many of the fruit trees ready for harvest.  A major advance in relation to the Woodlea site occurred during the holidays when the school secured a Planning Permit for our planned development.  With the gaining of this Permit, we have moved another enormous step closer to having Woodlea ready for 2019.

I would like to thank staff for their efforts on Friday both in relation to showing new students to their classrooms but most particularly for the way they managed the provision of buses.  I think it is worth stepping back occasionally and thinking of the magnitude of the task.  Approximately 1,500 students leave classrooms and are moved towards buses, which generally depart at or before 3:30pm.  This, particularly in the early weeks is an enormous task which is done extremely well.  From the meticulous planning to the care of students, it is an enormous exercise done well.  Yes, last Friday some buses were slightly late in getting away.  IN all cases this was because staff were going above and beyond the ensure that every one of those 1,500 students were on the right bus and had someone to pick them up – even if they didn’t really understand either of those two things.  One of the hallmarks of the staff is their commitment to students.  It was really on show last Friday.

A warm welcome to new and old families – I wish you well for the remainder of the year.

Andrew A Neal

From the Senior Vice Principals – Mr Kevin Richardson and Mrs Elizabeth O’Day

Welcome to Students, Staff and new members of the BMG Community, Important Bus Information, Uniform and Hair Regulations, Enrolments for 2019.

From Head of the Junior School – Mrs Jan Loftus

Years 1-4 – 2018 Year Level Coordinators, Learning and Sports Hub, Nuts and Nut Products, Playgrounds, Uniform and Hair Regulations, Working With Children Check, Infectious Disease and Head Lice, Pets at School, Swimming Trials, Reading Workshops.

From Head of the Middle School – Mr Dean Pepplinkhouse

Years 6-8 – 2018 Year Level Coordinators, Learning and Sports Hub, Year 6 Leadership Positions.

From Head of the Senior School – Mrs Debra Ogston

Years 9-12 – 2018 Year Level Coordinators, Upcoming Dates.

  • Enrolments for Year 7 2019 close Friday 16 February
  • Positive Parenting Tips
  • General News –Community Information, Uniform Shop, Moorabool Youth Awards, School Sport Victoria, Coles Sports for Schools, Canteen Information.
  • Health Centre – Direct contact number 5366 4873


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