Lions Youth of the Year Award

On Monday 19 February, School Captains Juulke Casteljin and Jessica Ewert, along with Vice Captain Laura Knauer, represented Bacchus Marsh Grammar in this years’ Lions Club Youth of the Year Award. Each student was interviewed by a panel of three judges who assessed them on their academic and school achievements, community involvement, sporting achievements and leadership. During the interview they were also required to answer a series of questions based on General Knowledge. Phase two of the day involved each student to present a 5 min speech on a topic of their choice and answer two impromptu questions for two minutes, at the Lions Club Dinner in front of the Lions Club members, family and friends.

All three students are to be congratulated on their efforts. They all spoke extremely well and were wonderful ambassadors for Bacchus Marsh Grammar. Congratulations to Jessica Ewert for being awarded the overall winner and she was presented with the John Cadzow Memorial Award, which will be proudly displayed in the school Administration Office. Jessica will now represent the Lion’s Club of Bacchus Marsh at the Zone Final to be held in Sunbury in the upcoming weeks and we wish her every success.

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