This year, as part of National Book Week organised by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, Bacchus Marsh Grammar is joining in the celebrations by hosting our very own Literacy Week from Monday 26 August until Friday 30 August. The theme of this year is “Reading is my Secret Power”.
Throughout the week, during class, recess and lunchtime, there are many activities and competitions for students to participate in. All students from Prep to Year 8 will attend a visiting author/illustrator talk where they have an opportunity to engage with the author/illustrator and ask questions. Our Year 4 students will be involved in a writing workshop.
Key activities for each campus are listed below:
Literacy Showcase – Prep to Year 6
Parents are invited to attend the Literacy Showcase Assemblies. School Leaders will facilitate this exciting event and we look forward to the Year 3 and Year 4 students’ performance, ‘The Travelling Story’ being read and the announcement of the winners that entered the story writing competition. Campus dates and times are listed below:
Maddingley: Showcase Assembly – Monday 26 August from 2.15pm in the John Leaver Gymnasium.
Woodlea: Showcase Assembly – Monday 2 September from 9.00am in the Woodlea Gymnasium.
Dress Up Day
Maddingley: Dress Up Day (Prep to Year 12) – Wednesday 28 August.
Woodlea: Dress Up Day (Prep to Year 6) – Monday 2 September.
Students are invited to dress up as their favourite literary character. They are allowed to arrive to school in their costume and they are to stay in their costume for the entire day. We recommend that students dress comfortably and that costumes be kept simple; it is not necessary to hire anything. Where possible, students are encouraged to bring a book to school that contains the character they are dressed up in.
Students can bring a gold coin donation on dress up day to support the work of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, a not-for-profit charity that is focused upon improving literacy levels in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation run core programs including the donation of thousands of free books to remote indigenous communities, organising literacy projects and hosting other fundraising campaigns. This vital work is instrumental in helping to bridge the literacy gap. More information about the Indigenous Literacy Foundation can be found at:
Poetry Competition
Students in Years 7 to 12 are invited to participate in this year’s POETRY COMPETITION. The theme of the competition is ‘HOME’. Students are to consider what this means to you and others.
The poem can be composed in any style, but must be handwritten. There is only one poem per entrant allowed. Please submit entries to Room M1 in the box labelled Poetry Competition. Entries are due by Wednesday 21 August. There are great prizes to be won and these will be awarded for Years 7 to 9 and Years 10 to 12. Students should see Mrs Clark or Mrs Hunter for more details.