
Host Families

Host families needed The school is in need of host families for our sister school visitors from Kumamoto who will be arriving next term. The

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Staughton Vale students are excited

eNews Issue 16

<A reminder that Monday 11 June is a Public Holiday> News in this Edition Staughton Vale Sporting success in Karate Congratulations to all involved in

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Study Hall

eNews Issue 15

News in this Edition GAT Preparation Out of School Hours Care Update Positive Parenting Student Activities Key Contacts Read more in this BMG eNews Edition

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eNews Issue 14

News in this Edition BMG Careers Expo Year 7 to 12 House Cross Country BMG Equestrian Team updates Student Activity Information Read more in this

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BMG Equestrian News

Many of the BMG Equestrian Team compete in weekly events. Below is a snapshot of competitor accounts and highlights from recent events. State Championships 2018

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eNews Issue 13

News in this Edition VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies head to Barmah National Park ICCES – Frisbee State Winners & Athletics Indonesian Speaking Competition VET

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