Edstart Award Winner – Ruby Gorton
Last year Ruby won the Edstart Achievement Award for Physical Sport and Wellbeing. At just 14-years-old, she is a successful hockey player representing the State.
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Last year Ruby won the Edstart Achievement Award for Physical Sport and Wellbeing. At just 14-years-old, she is a successful hockey player representing the State.
On Thursday 11 May, BMG hosted Round 5 of the Wynspeak Public Speaking Competition for the first time. Our students were excited to compete on-campus,
At the end of Term 1, our Junior School Prep to Year 1 students across both campuses participated in our Annual Easter Bonnet Parade. There
On Friday 24 March, Year 12 Hospitality students provided food service at a local fundraising luncheon set at the picturesque St Anne’s Winery. The students
On Monday 20 March, the Woodlea campus hosted its inaugural Student Leadership Evening. The evening was a culmination of work that Student Leaders from Years
DATTA Primary Educator of the Year Award – Matthew La Franchi DATTA – Design and Technology Teachers Association: Matthew was a winner of a primary award
Recently, both the Maddingley and Woodlea Preps enjoyed their Teddy Bear Picnic for 2023. The sun came out, their hats looked amazing and their teddy
Recently, the Year 1s and Year 4s had their first opportunity in 2023 to explore and participate in outdoor learning activities at Staughton Vale. The
BMG prides itself on a strong school community and, on Monday 13 February, Year 11 and 12 students were able to connect with Alumni who
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