BMG Grammarian Issue 1 - 2019
3 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – WOODLEA OPENING Monday 4 February the Bacchus Marsh Grammar Woodlea campus opened with 630 students from Prep to Year 6 commencing in brand new facilities. Building works began on the site in the Woodlea Estate mid-2018 and were completed just before the Christmas break to ensure staff could prepare their classrooms ready for day one of Term 1. The school buildings have been modelled on the existing Junior School buildings at the Maddingley campus. The Woodlea campus consists of twenty-two classrooms with specialist rooms to accommodate Science, Art, Music and Technology. Woodlea campus will become a seamless link to the Bacchus Marsh Grammar Maddingley campus, in all provisions of curriculum, welfare, opportunity and school values. It has been a pleasure working with staff, students and families at this exciting new addition to Bacchus Marsh Grammar.
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