BMG 2019 - Maddingley Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular Handbook

- Page 28 - CONTENTS - ART IS FUN - PREP TO YEAR 2 Teacher: Adriana Lazos Time: Wednesday Lunchtime Location: Room W5 STUDENT CHOICE PROGRAM OVERVIEW Students will be offered a range of Art experiences including drawing, painting, puppet making and the opportunity to create their own works of art. The elements of line, shape and pattern will be explored using a variety of materials including paint, pencils, oil pastels, and crayons. An imagination and a love of art are a must! LESSON COMPONENTS Lessons will include painting and drawing activities. Some activities will be for one week and others for two weeks, depending on the level of enjoyment! SKILL DEVELOPMENT These classes will provide students with the opportunity to:  Express themselves  Experiment with ideas and techniques  Interact with peers by sharing ideas and responding to art work  Strengthen fine motor skills