BMG 2019 - Maddingley Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular Handbook

- Page 3 - CONTENTS - MADDINGLEY PREP TO YEAR 4 CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAM The Bacchus Marsh Grammar Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular program is designed to cater in a variety of ways for all students. It is a program run by all staff from Prep to Year 4 to enhance the learning opportunities for your child. The structure and function of the program are:  All Co-Curricular activities will be offered during the day at lunchtime.  Co-Curricular activities continue to cater for all students ’ needs, however, they will focus more on extension of literacy, numeracy, and physical skills.  The activities will take place on different lunchtimes throughout the week as specified in the handbook.  Teachers select the students for the Teacher Selected activities.  Please note that the number of participants for some programs is limited.  The Co-Curricular program has 2 categories: Teacher Selected and Student Choice activities. An explanation of each type is written below. TEACHER SELECTED ACTIVITIES These activities are designed to cater for students who have particular needs and/or abilities. Parents of individual students will be sent notes if their child is selected to participate in any of the activities. There will be selection criteria which will need to be met to ensure students are able to effectively participate in the program. If selected, we encourage students to carefully consider their participation in the activity. All Teacher Selected activities will run during lunchtimes on various days. Please refer to the handbook for more information about each activity. Parents are required to accept or decline their child ’ s position through the Parent Portal. STUDENT CHOICE ACTIVITIES These activities are designed to cater for mixed abilities and cater for the students ’ special interests. Some classes will have a class cap on the number of students able to participate for each term. Parents are required to accept or decline their child ’ s position through the Parent Portal. Students who do not get to participate in their chosen activity will be placed on a waiting list. Some Student Choice activities do not appear on the Parent Portal. Students are able to attend these activities on a voluntary basis. Please note that these activities have maximum numbers of participants and once the maximum number is reached on that day, students may miss out for that session. If your child would like to secure a position in either the Teacher Selected or Student Choice activities, parents/guardians are required to logon to the myBMG - Parent Portal and confirm as attending under the ‘ Events & Sales ’ tab for each child. Please note that there are limited positions available and confirmation is due no later than 9am Monday 13 th May. When the response on the Portal shows as ‘ Attending ’ , your child will be automatically enrolled in the selected program. We are excited about the programs on offer and we hope that all students will get involved. Mrs Nici Deller Assistant Principal Head of Junior School