BMG 2021 Grammarian Issue 3

3 PRINCIPAL’S ADDRESS ELIZABETH O’DAY In her 30th year of service to the School, Elizabeth O’Day has signalled her intention to retire from Bacchus Marsh Grammar. It is not unreasonable to say that this school would not exist except for the efforts of Liz. Liz was a founding parent, School Council Member, and backer of the School in its early days. She has been a central and devoted staff member. When I arrived in 1998, there were few certainties in relation to the School and its immediate future. One was that the Primary School was functioning extremely well and that I could rely on the support of Liz; that hasn’t changed over my time as Principal. The last 30 years have seen Liz make an enormous contribution to the growth and development of Bacchus Marsh Grammar in all areas. Amongst her many achievements, her work to help establish the Early Learning Centre and the Woodlea Campus stand as an ongoing tribute to her capacity and drive. Liz will forever be part of the Bacchus Marsh Grammar family, and I look forward to her having a continued active involvement in the school in a variety of different capacities. I wish Liz, Peter and the family well. Thank you Liz on behalf of all of us – most particularly, the children you have guided and influenced. Mr Andrew A. Neal - Principal