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Two major projects are now underway on the Maddingley Campus. The school has finally received planning approval for students to use the Maddingly Fields site. This opens up a large green oval/play space which the school has prepared over the last two years. The space will predominantly be used by senior students and a new internal pathway to the space is currently being built. This will free up other green spaces on campus for younger students. The new development roughly doubles the amount of green play space on the school campus site.

Last month the School Board gave final approval for the development of a new Science Facility at Maddingley to proceed. The new facility will give the Maddingley Campus state of the art facilities in science, similar to those just completed at the Woodlea Campus.

The new building will consist of eight classrooms, a lecture theatre, a significant greenhouse/garden facility on the roof and a walkway linking the new facility to the current Senior Centre.

Over the long weekend, the site for the new building was fenced and construction will commence within the month. It is envisaged that the build will take about 14 months.

Mr Andrew Neal – CEO


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Role Models and Character Education

Within the school’s Character Education Framework, character is taught, caught and sought through a variety of programs and experiences. Compared to other approaches to education, character education is unique in unambiguously advocating role modelling as a fundamental method to help students develop character traits, such as kindness, courage, fairness etc. The central idea is that children develop virtues through a process of observing those around them and the consequences of their actions.

When school- aged children are asked to identify their character role models, someone that they look up to as a ‘good person’, parents and other family members, teachers, coaches and sporting stars are often included in their conversations.

Role models play a crucial role in character education because they provide tangible examples of values, behaviours, and principles that students or individuals can look up to and emulate. Positive role models can inspire and motivate, provide a sense of direction, guiding to make informed and well thought decisions, provide positive social influences and provide guidance in challenging times. Role models demonstrate how to act in real-life situations. Instead of abstract lessons, individuals can see how these values are put into practice. Whether it’s honesty, perseverance, kindness, or responsibility, role models show that character traits are not just theoretical but can be actively lived out.

By demonstrating good character virtues such as fairness, kindness, compassion, civility and honesty, role models create a positive learning environment in which students feel comfortable, safe, respected and ready to learn. As teachers and parents, we are always playing a role as an exemplar to our young people and young people in our care will learn from our behaviours, language, attitudes and dispositions.

Mr Andrew Perks – Deputy Principal: Culture and Character Education

The Senior Girls winning ICCES Badminton team with role models, Leanne Choo, National and Olympic Badminton Coach and Gronya Sommerville, Olympic Women’s Double player.


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Our Year 3 students will be completing the NAPLAN tests from March 12 to March 21. NAPLAN assesses reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy, providing a snapshot of student progress against national benchmarks. At Bacchus Marsh Grammar, we understand that NAPLAN is just one measure of achievement, but it offers valuable insights for parents and teachers. Our approach to learning, based on explicit instruction, ensures students build strong literacy and numeracy skills that support their success both in school and beyond.

We wish our Year 3 students all the best as they complete their NAPLAN tests. We encourage families to support them by ensuring they are well-rested and have nutritious meals to help them stay focused throughout the day.

Additionally, we would like to extend our thanks to all the parents and guardians who attended our Parent-Teacher Interviews last week. Your involvement is a vital and key role in supporting your child’s learning. The meetings provided a valuable opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss how students have settled into the 2025 school year and their progress in Term 1.

If you were unable to attend, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher to arrange a meeting time.

Mrs Sally Savic – Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School Woodlea and
Mr Darren Gibson – Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School Maddingley



Junior Art at Maddingley

During Term 1, students at the Maddingley campus have continued to explore the Elements of Art, with a greater focus on line, shape and texture through a variety of different drawing activities. They have been learning how to add extra detail to their drawings through a range of different methods such as using line and pattern to create implied texture in their images.

In Prep, students enjoyed reading the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and creating their own artwork inspired by the story.

The Year 1s have been learning about artist Paul Klee, engaging in discussions about many of his art pieces, including his continuous line drawings. The students then had lots of fun creating their own continuous line portraits.

Year 2 students have been learning about artist James Rizzi and have drawn their own abstract cityscapes, while exploring neon colours and organic shapes.

In Year 3, students enjoyed learning about and discussing the different sections of a landscape. They created their own abstract landscapes, using line and pattern to create implied texture in their work.

The Year 4s have created beautiful sea salt turtles, patterning the turtle shells and sprinkling salt over ink to create the effect of texture and movement in the ocean surrounding their turtle.

The Junior School students have enjoyed regular visits to the Lou Callow Gallery where they have been able to admire and discuss the wonderful artworks that they have created on display.

Mrs Lauren Meaney, Ms Ally Weir and Ms Zoe Cassar – Art Teachers


Physical Education – Term 1 Update

It has been a fantastic start to the year in Physical Education, with students eagerly participating in a range of activities designed to enhance their fundamental movement skills, fitness and teamwork. The program has provided opportunities for all students to develop their coordination, strength and confidence in an inclusive and supportive environment.

For Year 3-4 students, the focus has been on track and field events as they prepare for the upcoming Junior School Athletics Carnival. Students have been refining their techniques in running, jumping and throwing events such as sprints, long jump and shot put. This not only builds their athletic ability but also fosters resilience, determination, and sportsmanship as they get ready to represent their new Houses in friendly competition.

Meanwhile, Prep to Year 2 students have been actively developing their fundamental movement skills, with a particular emphasis on throwing and catching. Through engaging and interactive rotations, they have been improving their hand-eye coordination, reaction time and confidence in handling sports equipment. These skills form the foundation for many different sports and activities and will continue to be developed throughout the year.

We encourage students to keep practising these skills at home, whether through simple throwing and catching games, running activities or jumping challenges. These fundamental movements are essential for overall physical development and help students build a lifelong love for sport and physical activity.

We look forward to an exciting term ahead, filled with new challenges, achievements, and opportunities for students to develop their skills further.

Woodlea Junior Physical Education Teachers


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Darren Pereira Visit

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Darren Pereira, a renowned Australian school speaker, who worked with all our Year 7 students to support their development and transition to high school. With over half the Year 7 cohort being new, it was wonderful to see both old and new students coming together to experience Darren’s unique workshop lectures. These workshops are an annual highlight and have always been an enjoyable part of the Year 7 Transition Programme at our school.

Darren also conducted a session with the Year 8 Leaders. It was inspiring to see the leaders leave the afternoon workshop invigorated and motivated to make a positive impact at the school.

In addition, Darren met with Year 7 parents during an evening session to help them understand the issues early adolescent students encounter and ways to support their development. These activities will be held again next year, and I encourage you to make a note in next year’s diary to attend the parent workshop

Mr Scott Bayne – Assistant Principal: Head of Middle School

National Young Leaders Day

On March 3 the Year 6 Leadership Group attended the National Young Leaders Day at the Melbourne Exhibition Building. The day focused on becoming the leaders of the tomorrow and how to deal with setbacks and adversity along the way. Throughout the day, students participated in several activities and heard from some guest speakers including Majak Daw, Emma McKeon, Catherine Laga’aia and Thomas Duncan-Watt.

Students were lucky enough to meet some of the speakers and get photos with them. Our leaders represented BMG with pride and look forward to continuing to develop leadership skills throughout the year.

Mr Jordan Kirk – Head of Year 6


Year 5 Staughton Vale

On Tuesday, February 25, the Year 5 students from Woodlea ventured out to Staughton Vale for a day filled with collaborative and team-building activities. The students worked together on a variety of challenges, including contributing to a large, collaborative art project, taking part in a scavenger hunt and completing team-building exercises like the “Levitating Stick” and “Half-Pipe Ball Challenge”. Throughout the day, they had the opportunity to hone their communication and leadership skills as they solved puzzles and tackled tasks together.

The students demonstrated great respect for each other and for the campus, leaving the area spotless. Afterwards, they took time to reflect on the lessons they had learned about the power of teamwork.

‘When we were doing these activities, I realised that communication is really important and without it we couldn’t succeed.’ – Nirgun B

‘My favourite activity was a team building activity called “Flip the Mat”. Our team went around and shared each other’s ideas. Together we worked as a team to get on the other side of the mat.’ – Alaina G

‘I learnt that it’s easier to work with more people and to communicate with each other. I learnt that teamwork can make things faster and easier.’ – Aayush S

Miss Samantha Bowden – Head of Year 5

Year 6 Staughton Vale

On Thursday, 6 March, the Year 6 Woodlea students embarked on an exciting Science excursion to Staughton Vale where they explored nature through hands-on scientific investigations.

During the day, students participated in three engaging activities. One of the highlights was the Dichotomous Keys activity, where students worked in groups to collect a variety of leaves. They examined key features such as texture and shape and created a dichotomous key poster to classify their findings.

Another fascinating activity was Leaf Critters, where students sifted through leaf litter using a colander, uncovering tiny invertebrates hidden within. Using petri dishes and microscopes, they closely examined these small creatures, gaining a deeper understanding of invertebrate life. This was possibly their favourite activity with many students finding a variety of insects to observe.

The excursion provided an excellent opportunity for students to apply their scientific skills in a real-world environment, fostering curiosity and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Mrs Elle Pelly – Head of Year 6


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The Longest Lunch

On Friday 28 February, 26 students from the Year 11 and 12 VET Hospitality classes participated in the Rayner First National Real Estate Longest Lunch at St Anne’s Winery, in which Bacchus Marsh Grammar has a long and proud history of participation. This year’s event focussed on supporting local community group, Soul Foods, who generously provide meals and other essentials to those in need in the Bacchus Marsh community.

Led by the Year 12s, the students worked in small teams to prepare and set the long table for 140 people, then served and cleared a three-course meal for guests. Students were also involved in preparing food in the kitchen, assisting with the plating of each course and cleaning dishes.

All students represented Bacchus Marsh Grammar with pride, maintaining a high level of professionalism, and their service was greatly appreciated and respected by all in attendance.

Mrs Nicole Garner and Ms Nadelle Kiley – Hospitality Teachers

Year 10 INSPIRE Day

During our recent INSPIRE day, we had the privilege of hearing from Scott Darlow, an Indigenous songwriter, who visited our Staughton Vale campus to educate us on the history and culture of Aboriginal people. Through his powerful session, Scott shared the struggles faced by Indigenous communities, using contemporary examples to help us better understand their challenges and foster empathy.  Scott emphasised that while Aboriginal people were in this land long before the British arrived, we are all Australians. He urged us to recognise the importance of understanding the country’s history in shaping a better future for all generations. He also touched on the recent history of segregation, reminding us that Indigenous people were not recognised as citizens until just over 50 years ago.

Many of our parents or grandparents were born during a time when Indigenous people did not have the same rights as others. This thought-provoking presentation has inspired us to reflect on the past and how we can contribute to a more inclusive future.  We also got to participate in a range of Indigenous Games with our friends, which was a really fun way to end a great day.

William 10A

Year 10 Food Technology

On March 11, the Year 10 Food Technology classes were involved in an Indigenous Studies Incursion presented by Julie from NATIF. The students were able to get a firsthand introduction to Indigenous foods and how they are grown, produced and used in contemporary foods.

The students taste tested many different herbs, spices and fresh Indigenous fruits. Julie also completed a cooking segment creating healthy bliss balls for the students to try. We would like to thank Julie for providing such an in-depth introduction to Indigenous Studies to our Year 10 Food classes.

Miss Lacey Madacki and Mrs Shelley Frislie – Food Tech Teachers



Year 10 Media Studies Excursion

On Tuesday the 18 February, Year 10 Media Studies students were able to go to ACMI at Federation Square to engage with two exhibitions relating to their current Science Fiction Film Studies Unit. The first exhibition – ‘The Future and Other Fictions’ – showcases how science fiction influences people’s perception of the future through film, video games, contemporary art, interactives and more. The second exhibition – ‘The Story of the Moving Image’ – is the centrepiece museum at ACMI, where students journeyed through the past, present and future of the moving image with interactive experiences and captivating stories.

Students thoroughly enjoyed the day and I want to thank them and the staff involved for creating such a wonderful experience.

Mr Anthony Cunsolo – Head of Faculty: Visual Arts

VCE Physics

Thirteen eager Woodlea students recently embarked on a journey to Luna Park for the VCE Physics Days, an event crafted by teachers to bring the VCE Physics Study Design to life. This opportunity allowed our students to witness and experience firsthand the concepts of ‘Motion in one and two dimensions’ and ‘How fast can things go?’ in a real-world setting.

The park was abuzz with excitement as our students explored a variety of rides, each offering unique insights into physics principles. The dodgem cars provided a perfect example of Newton’s laws of motion, while the Spyder demonstrated centripetal force in action to name just a few. One of the highlights was the Coney Drop, which offered a practical demonstration of free fall and gravitational potential energy.

Throughout the day, Woodlea students engaged in hands-on activities designed to reinforce classroom learning. They collected data, made observations and applied theoretical knowledge.

The VCE Physics Days at Luna Park proved to be an invaluable addition to our Physics curriculum, providing our students with a unique blend of education and entertainment. This excursion shows Woodlea’s commitment to an engaging approach to education that bridges the gap between theory and real-world application. We look forward to seeing how this experience will enhance our students’ performance in their upcoming assessments and fuel their passion for Physics.

Mr Dilshan Fernando and Mrs Samantha Grant – Physics Teachers


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ICCES Badminton, Swimming & Table Tennis

On Wednesday, 5 March, over 80 BMG students participated in the annual ICCES Badminton, Swimming and Table Tennis Competitions held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC).

Our students represented the school with great pride and demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the day. Their dedication and effort resulted in several impressive individual and team victories, reflecting the school’s commitment to excellence in sport.



  • JNR Boys – 1st Place (Purv 9H / Vishtnu 8E / Omkar 9E / Daksh 7WF)
  • JNR Girls – 5th Place Year 7-9 (Aahana 7G / Nirvi 8WE / Rishva 8D / Riya 9WA)
  • SNR Girls – 1st Place (Joanne 12D / Aakansha 11I / Ananya 12D / Seshetah 10C)
  • SNR Boys – Equal 1st (Shaunak 11WA / Sampath 10B / Ajneya 10WE / Shahil 10WB)

Overall Badminton Results:

1STGoulburn Valley Grammar
2NDBacchus Marsh Grammar
3RDBraemar College
4THGippsland Grammar
5THHighview College
6THGirton Grammar


Table Tennis

  • JNR Boys – 1st Place (Viraj 9D / Neev 8F / Tony 8F)
  • JNR Girls – 2nd Place (Gurbani 8A / Alannah 9D / Aadrika 8WA)
  • SNR Boys – 1st Place (Eshaan 11A / Micah 11F / Sahil 11D)
  • SNR Girls – 4th Place (Tehmina 10WB / Emma 11E / Illeana 10A / Tayla 11F)

Overall Table Tennis Results:

1STBacchus Marsh Grammar
2NDGippsland Grammar
3RDGoulburn Valley Grammar
4THBraemar College
5THGirton College
6THHighview College



  • Ethan (11I) – 3rd Place Year 11/12 Freestyle
  • Yitian (7E) – 3rd Place Year 7 Butterfly
  • Aiden (7I) – 1st Place Year 7 Freestyle
  • Abbey (9A) – 3rd Place Year 9 Butterfly
  • Emma (12B) – 3rd Place Year 11/12 Freestyle
  • Rodney (11H) – 2nd Place Year 11/12 Breaststroke / 3rd Backstroke / 3rd Freestyle
  • Thomas (9A) – 3rd Place Year 9 Freestyle
  • Ella (12J) – 3rd Place Year 11/12 Backstroke
  • BMG Relay – 3rd Place Year 11/12 Freestyle Relay

Overall Swimming Results:

1STBallarat Grammar1241
2NDGirton Grammar1095
3RDGoulburn Valley Grammar976
4THGippsland Grammar935
5THBraemar College881
6THBacchus Marsh Grammar734
7THHamilton & Alexandra College461
8THHighview College238

A sincere thank you to all BMG staff for their invaluable coaching in preparation for this event and for their assistance on the day. A special shout out to Mr Durham for all his hard work behind the scenes in preparation for the big day.

Mr Matt Harris – Sport and House Administrator/BMPSSA Coordinator



WestVic Academy of Sport

The partnership between the FedUni WestVic Academy of Sport and Bacchus Marsh Grammar will continue in 2025. In consultation with the Academy of Sport, Bacchus Marsh Grammar has once again been able to select athletes that will receive scholarships to the Academy of Sport. This will provide a range of benefits and services to assist with their sporting pursuits consisting of:

  • Physical preparation – Musculoskeletal screenings and Fitness testing – conducted by Radford Athletic Development.
  • Specific strength and conditioning coaching from academy staff.
  • An elite athlete presentation conducted at BMG.
  • A high-performance experience in S&C, recovery and wellbeing.
  • Onsite education session hosted by a sports psychologist.
  • Access to wellbeing network & resources.
  • Access to the WestVic athlete support fund.

Congratulations to the following students that have were awarded scholarships into the program by Mrs Ogston and the outgoing Executive Officer of the WestVic Academy of Sport Shenae Keleher.

Anika T9AFL
William Z10Ten Pin Bowling
Riley D10Basketball
Makenzie C11BMX
Ruby G11Hockey
Justin R11Karate
Tayla W11DH Skiing
Ethan B11Athletics/Cross Country
Kaylee W12DH Skiing

Mr Bryce Durham – Head of Faculty: PE and Health


Making a Splash at the Maddingley Middle School Swimming Carnival

On Tuesday, February 25th, a group of wonderful Year 3/4 students made history by competing in the Middle School Swimming Carnival at Melton Waves Leisure Centre-marking the very first time Junior School students have taken part in this thrilling event!

The day was a huge success with students diving into a variety of strokes, including breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. Beyond the competition, they soaked up the incredible atmosphere and cheered on a range of exhilarating water sports, including water polo.

A special shout out to Charlotte and Thomas J (Year 4), who dominated the pool, taking first place in ALL four events-an outstanding achievement!

Stay tuned as we will soon be announcing the Year Level Champions!

A massive congratulations to the following students who have qualified for the BMPSSA Swimming Carnival-your hard work and dedication have paid off!

Mrs Chantelle Estlick – PE Teacher


Woodlea Elite Sport

On March 6, Bacchus Marsh Grammar Woodlea’s Elite Sport class had the incredible opportunity to visit Ironbark Fields and immersing themselves in the world of professional sports. The excursion provided valuable insights into the inner workings of a professional sports club, offering students a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to succeed both on and off the field.

Students heard from key club personnel, including the Chief Operating Officer, Marketing and Sales Manager, and Football Operations Manager, who shared their expertise on the business, branding and operational aspects of elite sport. They also had the chance to observe a professional team training session, gaining a firsthand appreciation of the dedication and discipline required at the highest level.

Adding to the experience, students participated in a mini-clinic, putting their skills to the test, and toured the club’s state-of-the-art facilities. The excursion was an inspiring and educational opportunity, reinforcing the pathways available in the sporting industry and highlighting the importance of professionalism, teamwork and resilience in achieving success.

Mr Evan Long – Head of PE Woodlea

WUFC Match Day Experience

On Saturday, March 8, Bacchus Marsh Grammar students had an unforgettable experience attending the A-League match between Western United FC and Wellington Phoenix. The event was a fantastic opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the excitement of professional football and support our school’s community partnership club.

Before the match, BMG students supervised pre-game football clinics and fan engagement activities, where they had the chance to enjoy the lively match-day atmosphere. These activities provided a great way for students to connect with the club and experience a professional football environment.

A special highlight of the evening was Year 3 Woodlea student Mehrish K being selected to deliver the match ball at the start of the game-a proud moment for both Mehrish and our school community. Adding to the excitement, all BMG students in attendance were invited to participate in a half-time march around the pitch, soaking in the electric atmosphere as the crowd cheered them on.

Western United secured a well-earned victory, strengthening their position as they push towards the upcoming finals series. It was a fantastic experience for our students, reinforcing the power of sport in bringing people together and inspiring young athletes to dream big.

Bacchus Marsh Grammar is proud to support our students in engaging with elite sporting experiences and looks forward to continuing our partnership with Western United FC.

Mrs Sarah Hunter – Deputy Principal: Deputy Head of Woodlea Campus
Mrs Sally Savic – Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School


On March 3, 24 of our talented swimmers made a splash at the MPSSA competition, representing our school against others in the Melton district. With outstanding performances across all events, our team secured first place overall!

A huge congratulations to all our competitors for their dedication, sportsmanship and incredible results. Below is a breakdown of our students’ fantastic achievements:

Individual & Relay Event Placings

BreaststrokeArjun V, Evan L, Stella C, Simay SAahan RLily H
FreestyleAahan Rathee, Ruairi GrieveEvan L, Ariana S, Charlotte V, Simay S
BackstrokeStella C, Inaya BCharlotte V, Toby D, Ruairi G, Samuel P
ButterflyStella CAahan R, Ruairi G, Evan L
Freestyle RelayAahan R, Louis-Felix W, Kabir S, Toby D, Ruairi G, Arjun V, Dhanush C, Ethan H, Stella C, Ariana S, Ira D, Alexana M, Charlotte V, Lily H, Ruby A, Amyra A, Simay S, Inaya B, Parini M, Aarna YEvan L, Zoravir G, Sabir V, Samuel P
Medley RelayInaya B, Simay S, Stella C, Charlotte V, Ruairi G, Arjun V, Evan Lin, Zoravir G

This was a truly incredible achievement by all our swimmers, and we are so proud of their hard work, determination and team spirit. It is always a pleasure to see our students representing our school with such enthusiasm and sportsmanship.

Mrs Elle Pelly – Head of Year 6 Woodlea


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Resources for Parents

At Bacchus Marsh Grammar we are committed to providing parents and carers with information and tools to help support your children and young people to thrive.

Please find below links to reputable organisations that you may find helpful for a range of issues related to families and young people.

Kids helpline offers parents information on an extensive range of issues to help you support your child or young person. Topics covered include family, relationships, mental health, school, growing up, eSafety and more.  To explore topics in more detail, please visit kids helpline at

Parentline offers confidential phone counselling and support for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old.  To learn more about Parentline, please visit or call 13 22 89 between 8am and midnight, every day.

Reach Out offers parents and carers information and support to help you and your teen. Reach Out can help parents and carers connect with others in online forums, free and confidential one-on-one support with a professional family parent coach as well as provide self-help resources in the form of articles, videos and quizzes. To find our more, please visit Reach Out at

Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation which helps thousands of young people aged between 12 and 25 years, and their families, access support. Headspace offers online and phone counselling services as well as access to Headspace centres which are located across Victoria and nationally. To learn more about Headspace, please visit

The eSafety Commissioner offers parents tools and resources to help your children be safe when learning or playing online. The eSafety Commission provides short videos for parents as well as webinars, covering topics that include social media, safe online gaming and online bullying. They also offer information on parental controls and have downloadable resources. To find out more, please visit

The Butterfly Foundation offers information and support to families impacted by eating disorders and body image issues. Butterfly operates a national helpline that includes support over the phone, via email or online by trained counsellors. Butterfly also offers parent webinars throughout the year. To find out more about the Butterfly Foundation, please visit

Student Wellbeing Team


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Students Take on the University of Queensland Sunflower Challenge

Following on from the successful BMG Sunflower competition, we have been invited to take part in the prestigious University of Queensland’s Sunflower Challenge.

The University of Queensland’s Sunflower Competition promotes the science behind agronomy and horticulture to students, teachers and parents. The purpose of the competition is to inspire current science students to become the next generation of plant and agricultural scientists, and to support teachers to deliver their science curriculum in a plant-based context. The competition provides an interactive learning opportunity with school-based experiments that classes can work through at their own pace and level of ability.

Students from each of the Campus’ have been planting their sunflowers following the strict competition regulations, and given that we are now in the Autumn growing season, the Sunflowers will ultimately need to be relocated to the Staughton Vale hot house, prior to the judging event in May.

Good luck to all of the students taking part in the competition.

Mr David Gorton – Director of Student Engagement / Head of Staughton Vale Campus


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School Photos 2025

School photos will be held in Term 2 at both the Maddingley and Woodlea School campuses during the dates below:

  • Woodlea – 5-9 May 2025
  • Maddingley – 12-16 May 2025

Timetables are yet to be confirmed and will be subject to change in order to work in conjunction with other School activities.

Mrs Cathy Perconte – Community Development Coordinator


Camps, Sports, and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Camps Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families in covering the costs of school excursions, camps and sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The allowance is paid directly to the school by the Education Department.

Eligible families include those holding a valid means-tested concession card such as a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card, a Health Care Card, or those who are temporary foster parents.

To encourage families to apply, the school will provide a rebate equivalent to the School Development Levy for families whose applications are submitted and approved by the Education Department.

The CSEF application form can be downloaded below. The form outlines the eligibility requirements and must be returned to the school by 23 June 2025.

Parents must meet the eligibility requirements by:

  • Eligibility Date: 31 January 2025
  • 2nd CRN validation date (for failed CRNs only): 23 April 2025

Parents who received CSEF at Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 2024 do not need to submit a new application in 2025, provided there has been no change in family circumstances.

Please note that CSEF payments apply only to the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

Enquiries should be directed to Sharon Micallef at


Term Dates

Both the 2025 and 2026 Term Dates are published on the school’s website.


Events Calendar

All upcoming events feature on the Schoolbox Calendar for both students and parents/guardians to view.


Uniform Shop

Uniform information and shop business hours for both the Maddingley Campus Onsite Shop and Rushfords in Werribee are listed on the school’s website.

Please note that uniforms can also be purchased online via


Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) – The Y Ballarat

The Y Ballarat operates the Out of School Hours Care at Bacchus Marsh Grammar.  Enrolments are completed online. For full information please visit the school’s website.

Phone: 0490 178 638

0438 154 8420490 490 362


Regular Contacts

Maddingley CampusWoodlea CampusWoodlea Early Learning Centre
South Maddingley Road
Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340
111 Frontier Avenue
Aintree VIC 3336
111 Frontier Avenue
Aintree VIC 3336
P +61 3 5366 4800
F +61 3 5366 4850
P +61 3 5366 4900
F +61 3 5366 4950
P +61 3 5366 4999
F +61 3 5366 4850

General School Email:
School Website:

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