Bacchus Marsh Grammar is excited to offer the C’YA! (Conquering Your Anxiety) Program which is a school-based program to support students in Years 3 to 12. The C’YA! Program, which will be offered to students in Term 2, will focus on understanding feelings of anxiety, identifying body signals and exploring strategies to assist in managing these feelings. C’YA! is a six-session program which will be run in small groups during class time, facilitated by a staff member from the Student Wellbeing Team.

Anxiety is a normal and natural emotion; however, anxiety can be a problem when it interferes with your child’s everyday life. Anxiety can present at school in many ways. If you have a child who is in Year 3 to 12 whose daily functioning is being impacted by their experience of anxiety and feel they would benefit from participating in this program, please register your interest by contacting a member of our Student Wellbeing Team by Wednesday 26 February.

Maddingley Campus: Raigan Francis
Woodlea Campus: Paige Zerafa

Starting the New School Year

Starting the new school year can bring lots of emotions to the forefront for both students and parents. Whether your child is returning to school, is new to the school, or if your family is just beginning the school journey, it can be a time that raises a range of feelings. It is important to remember that it is okay to feel nervous and a little daunted by what the school year might bring. It may take a few weeks to find a routine and feel comfortable. It is important to encourage your child to take care of themselves by getting a good amount of sleep, exercise and eating nutritious foods. It will help your child if they try to approach their day with an open mind, be prepared to try new things and talk to classmates who they do not know….yet! Make time to set a routine that includes time for homework and study which will help your child feel more prepared and organised for the next day.

If you would like further information, please go to The Victorian Education and Training website which has some great tips for parents to support their children when starting or returning to school.

Reach Out offers parent/carer information to support young people transitioning to secondary school, which can be found here

Raising Children Network offers information and practical tips to help you support your child’s start to school.

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