Welcome to Term 1, 2022

Key Information for the commencement of Term 1

Year 12 Development DayFriday 28 January
Year 7 Classes CommenceFriday 28 January
Years 1 to 11 Commence (Maddingley & Woodlea)Monday 31 January
Prep Reception (Maddingley) & Prep (Maddingley & Woodlea) CommenceTuesday 1 February


2022 Term Dates are available on the school website.

School Day – 8.40am to 3.20pm

Please note that the music warning for the start of the school day is at 8.40am.

Books / Stationery

There is no requirement for your child to bring all of their books on Day 1 of Term. Items can gradually be brought to school over the first few days to avoid school bags being overloaded.

Bus Services

All bus services (private and public) commence from Friday 28 January. An exception is the Country Bus Network which commences on Monday 31 January.

2022 Year 7 – Friday 28 January

Year 7 students are encouraged to wear their sport/PE uniform. Upon arrival students will be guided to the relevant area for briefing.

2022 Prep/Prep Reception

School Readiness Meetings for Prep students are scheduled on Friday 28 January and Monday 31 January. Please refer to transition information emailed in December.

New students

There will be staff at entrance gates to assist in guiding new students to their classroom or briefing area.

2022 Handbooks

Please refer to the school’s website for the current uniform shop hours of operation and contact numbers.


The canteen will be operating at each campus from Friday 28 January.




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