BMG 2019 - Maddingley Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular Handbook

- Page 10 - CONTENTS - MATHEMATICIANS - YEAR 1 Teacher: Natalie Zammit Time: Friday Lunchtime Location: Room E10 TEACHER SELECTED PROGRAM OVERVIEW Mathematicians ’ classes are designed to support, motivate and challenge your child ’ s mathematical understanding, application and reasoning skills through various tasks. There will be a strong focus on extending key mathematical skills, such as problem solving, promoting alternative thinking strategies and working more efficiently. Students will share their strategies and discuss alternate ways to solve similar problems. LESSON COMPONENTS Possible areas to be covered:  Consolidating skip-counting patterns from various starting points.  Identifying, making, ordering and writing numerals from 0 to 1000.  Building upon basic addition and subtraction facts.  Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers to 99 without and with regrouping.  Showing an understanding of place value  Making reasonable estimates of quantities  Identifying and drawing shapes  Recognising and using standard measuring tools, such as rulers, scales and trundle wheels.  Be introduced to concepts of spatial relationships, symmetry and reflections  Recognising and adding money  Tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter to/past and to the minute  Using drawings and words to describe mathematical thinking  Collecting and recording data using tallies, lists, charts and graphs  Reading a graph or chart and deriving conclusions  Classifying, sorting and comparing physical objects by a variety of classification schemes and patterns (likeness, difference, sound, colour, texture, size, weight, temperature, length of time, etc.)  Making, copying and extending patterns with actions SELECTION CRITERIA Students will be invited to participate in the Mathematicians co-curricular, based on classroom teacher recommendations and test results. This program is designed for students who are achieving well above the expected level.