BMG 2019 - Maddingley Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular Handbook

- Page 16 - CONTENTS - BUILDING BUDDIES - PREP TO YEAR 2 Teacher: Dani Kiriazis Support Staff: Peta Miles Time: Wednesday Lunchtime Location: Room E1 TEACHER SELECTED PROGRAM OVERVIEW The focus of this co-curricular activity will be on supporting students to strengthen relationships with their peers by encouraging collaboration and use of their social and communication skills. Students will be supported to work together in a natural environment providing greater structure than the playground. LESSON COMPONENTS Rotation through different stations, each with different themes, props and roles for children to act out. Themes will be inspired by age appropriate books as well as school and home based routines. SKILL DEVELOPMENT  Thinking and planning skills  Social thinking concepts including; thoughts and feelings, flexible thinking, following a group plan, whole body listening, thinking with your eyes, body in the group, smart guesses and expected and unexpected behaviours  Learning to negotiate and collaborate through performance; puppets, short plays, story sharing SELECTION CRITERIA Selection of students to participate in this program is based on the observations and recommendations of class and subject teachers. The sessions are restricted to a maximum number of students at any one time in order to facilitate ease of observation by the supervising staff members and participation of all the children in the group. Selected students are encouraged to bring along a friend.