BMG 2019 - Maddingley Prep to Year 4 Co-Curricular Handbook

- Page 22 - CONTENTS - WRITING WORKSHOP - YEAR 4 Teacher: Nick Sher Time: Thursday Lunchtime Location: Room X3 TEACHER SELECTED PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Year 4 Competition Writing co-curricular activity is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of the writing process. The program is intended to increase the confidence and skill level of our writers while incorporating the Seven Steps Program. They will investigate a range of national writing competitions and determine their suitability and enthusiasm for entry. Students will work on their texts for entry during this class and submit them online. They will require parent permission when submitting entries. LESSON COMPONENTS The sessions are based on furthering the students ’ understanding of Jen McVeity ’ s “ Seven Steps to Writing Success ” . This resource is underpinned by the principle of chunking writing into discrete, teachable elements from which students attain mastery through repetition. Emphasis is given to the importance of talking, brainstorming and planning before writing. Students will work independently and in groups to broaden their thinking by creating mind maps and participating in brainstorming tasks, and short writing tasks to actively engage their imaginations. SKILL DEVELOPMENT  To increase confidence, engagement and writing skills  To develop strategies to enhance creativity  To foster a passion for writing SELECTION CRITERIA Selected students who would benefit from advancing their proficiencies in writing will be invited to participate in the Year 4 Competition Writing program. Teachers will select students based on their enthusiasm for writing, teaching observations and analysis of students ’ work.